
Men's Basic AO Now On Sale

After weeks of friends telling me to get off my butt and do this... I did it. :) I took the anims most guys might want or need in an AO, set it all up, and stuck it in a box.

If you know a guy who can't configure an AO to save his life -- or worse, uses no animations at all -- then this is the answer. Just attach it and go: walk, run, sit, and five stands. It's all there. It uses a ZHAO II so it's all on the HUD and easy to turn on and off.

The AO is transferrable, so it's easy to buy as a gift. Help rid SL of one more duck-walk today! :D


Flickr page

I set up a new account at Flickr. It'll mostly be vanity shots and such - I'm just having some fun with it. I figured I may as well post the pics somewhere instead of letting them sit on my computer!
