
New Store on the Way!

I finally bit the bullet and bought some land. (Well, rented. Leased. Whatever. You know what I mean.) The folks over at Azure Islands had a small commercial plot available, so I snapped it up.

Now I just have to make the time over the next few days to do something with it. Once the store's ready I'll probably have a grand opening sale or something else appropriate.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hi, Sean. I'm writing a story about the gambling ban in Second Life and would love a comment from a user. What do you think about the ban? How will it affect you? Do you think it could have a large impact on revenue at SL? Feel free to send e-mail. I would need to use your full name and city of residence. I'm also happy to include your SL avatar's name. However, I CANNOT use anonymous comments, so if you don't want to identify yourself then don't bother replying. Thanks! -- Rachel Konrad, Silicon Valley Correspondent, The Associated Press.