
Look of the Day, 2009-09-29

Look of the Day, 2009-09-29, originally uploaded by Sean Gorham.

My first Look of the Day for men! I'd planned to do this a long time ago but never got around to it.

The standout for me in this look is the shoes. (I know, big surprise coming from me, right?) While Urban Bomb Unit's PornStars have been blogged to death by now, I'd never paid attention to them until I needed a good pair of sneakers. And wow, are these ever good! I'm totally floored by these shoes. It's not just the attention to detail, but the customizability! Every little bit of these shoes can be changed to a wide variety of colors and textures. These shoes are sim-friendly, too: once you have them customized the way you want, just make a copy of them, then use the built-in script removal command. Zero-lag shoes!

UBU really needs to get into the women's shoe market. They'd make a killing offering this kind of variety and quality at a reasonable price.

Eyes: Chai - Allure - Cocoa 2
Glasses: primOptic - Evole
Hair: Discord Designs - Roni - Jet
Necklace: Studio Sidhe - Crocodile Tooth Pendant with Turquoise
Pants: Zaara - Classic Jeans - Indigo
Pose: Amacci - Amacci_Male_Stand_1
Shape: custom (not available)
Shoes: Urban Bomb Unit - PornStar LoTops
Skin: PXL - Adam - Dark, Face06_v6
Top: Zenith - D Style Shirt - Red


Ann Launay said...

Did you mean heels and boots and things? Because the shoes UBU sells now are totally unisex.

Sean Gorham said...

Yes Ann, that's exactly what I was referring to. :)

Faery Sola said...

awesome! great look :D